Rainbow Chicken Flock

Chickens have been on our farm since the beginning. They were the bug patrol and provided us with farm fresh eggs that have no comparison!

A couple years ago, we started expanding our flock, and adding many colors and speckles to our egg basket. Chicks are some of the Morris Bro's’ favorites and we cant imagine our little farm without chickens!

Join in sharing your colorful egg baskets and learning more about the chickens that make these great colors in our new Facebook group: Rainbow Egg Baskets!

Breeding for egg color takes a lot of patience. Not only do you have to wait for the eggs to hatch, but you don’t know what you’ll get until the chick grows and starts laying!!! When aiming for certain colors, think of it a little like mixing paint, and using “filters” on pictures!

ALL eggs are either blue shell or white shell (crack them open and look at the inside.) The color is determined by the pigment the hen adds to the egg. This can get really deep and difficult really fast, but basically; here is what I do…

I have blue egg laying Ameraucana hens, bred to a marans rooster, the offspring will lay a dark green egg, possibly with spots. My Orpingtons lay pink eggs with a heavy bloom, these blooms create some really pretty colors. When they are under a rooster with a “blue egg” rooster (Ameracauna or Easter Egger) their offspring typically lay light green eggs with neat variations due to the bloom. My Welsummer and Bielefelder hens lay dark speckled eggs, so their offspring will lay olive speckled eggs or dark speckled eggs depending on rooster. I added the white egg to my basket with some leghorn hens. My Leghorn rooster covered my Ameraucana hen to give me a “super blue” egg layer pullet this year!

2024 Price List & Availability…

Pure Buff Orpington

Chicks (straight run) $4 each

Hatching Eggs (limited) $10/dozen

Pure Bielefelder

Chicks (auto sexed)

pullets $6 each

cockerel $3 each

Rainbow Flock (see below)

Chicks $2 each

Hatching Eggs

$4/dozen unsorted

$7/dozen sorted colors

Rainbow Flock…


Leghorn (White)

Easter Egger (Green-Blue)

Olive Egger (Dark Green)

Ameraucana (Blue)

Marans (Dark Brown)

Red Production (Light Brown)

The next question is, “Can I tell what the chicks will be?”

In short, “No”

But, here are some clues that could give you hints…

(This in only true for chicks from MY flock b/c I know what breeds I have and the traits they carry, some other breeds have similar traits and their egg color may not be the same*)

  1. If a chick has puffy cheeks or a beard…They will have a blue egg base. (could be any shade of green or blue)

  2. If a chick has any leg feathers, they will most likely have a dark egg (brown or green)

Beyond these two, I can only make guesses based on color and pattern, and with all the possible combinations, I wouldn’t trust that guess!


Easter Egger (blue>green)

Olive Egger (Dark green)

For the Barn…